Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Ultimate Chocolate Brownie

Hallo Almal / Hi Everyone

Op my Sussie Heidi-Mari se blog is die tema vir haar Pret-Bak-kompetisie, Sjokolade. So ek neem weer deel met ‘n Brownie resep.
Over at my Sister, Heidi-Mari’s blog the theme for her Baking challenge is Chocolate. I decided to enter with a Brownie recipe.

Dit het sjokolade stukkies in, wat mens kan proe, dit is ook harderig bo-op en taai in die middel, net soos ‘n brownie moet proe!
This Brownie recipe, has chocolate chips inside, which give it a real chocolate taste, it is crisp on the top and sticky inside, just what a brownie should taste like. 
Ons het dit vir poeding geeet, met room bo-op.  Dit was baie lekker!
We had the brownies for dessert, with cream on top.  It was delicious! 

3/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
160 g butter
1/2 cup boiling water
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 1/3 cup flour
10 ml vanilla essence
1 cup chocolate chips
Mix the cocoa powder with the baking soda.

Melt half the butter and add to the cocoa powder.

Add the water to the butter and cocoa mix and stir until it thickens.

Melt the other half of the butter and add to the mixture with the sugar and eggs.

Mix together, then add the flour and vanilla.

Mix in the chocolate chips and bake at 180 degrees C for 20-25 min.

The Brownies should still be sticky when tested with a skewer.

As julle van my resep hou, onthou asb. om vir my stem.  Stem begin Maandag aand.  Baie dankie!
If you like my recipe, please remember to vote for me.  Voting starts on Monday evening.  Thank you so much!