Hallo almal
Hi Everyone
Ek wil vir julle die poeding wys wat ek vir Josua se verjaardag gemaak het, ‘n Trifle.
I want to show you the pudding, I made for Josua’s birthday, a Trifle.
My mamma het dit saam met my gedoen.
My mother helped me.
Dit was baie lekker en aan die einde was ons bietjie verspot!
My mother helped me. We had such a good time and in the end we were laughing and having a lot of fun!
1 can sweetened condense milk
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
10 snipped marshmallows
1 standard can canned peaches (cut into pieces)
10 cut cherries
½ cup whipped cream
Boudoir fingers or 1 standard roll cake
2 to 3 packets of different flavoured jelly
Meng saam die geklitste room,
versoete kondensmelk,
kersies en
vars suurlemoensap.
Mix together the whipped cream, sweetened condense milk, marshmallows, cherries and fresh lemon juice.
Voer ‘n standaard glasbak (my bak was 40cm x 22cm) uit met die vingerbeskuitjies
of 2cm skywe rolkoek.
Line a standard glass dish (mine was approximately 16 x 9 inches) with the Boudoir fingers or cut 1 inch slices from the roll cake and line the dish.
Smeer helfte van die malvalekker-kondensmelk mengsel bo-oor die beskuitjies of rolkoek,
dan ‘n laag van al die perskes. Jy kan nou weer ‘n laag vingerbeskuitjies of rol koek pak, maar ek het nie, want dan kan dit te droog wees.
Laaste die ander helfte van die malvalekker-kondensmelk mengsel.
Layer half of the marshmallow-condense milk mixture, then the peach pieces. Now you can lay another layer of the Boudoir fingers or roll cake, but I didn’t because it can then sometimes be to dry. Finally the other half of the marshmallow-condense milk mixture.
Versier met stukkies rooi en groen jellie.
Decorate with red and green jelly.
Met hierdie trifle vir my boetie se verjaardag, neem ek deel aan Heidi-Mari se Bak kompetisie. Die tema is Poedings en Nageregte.
With this trifle for my brother’s birthday, I take part in Heidi-Mari’s Fun Baking Challenge. The theme is Puddings and Desserts.
Jy kan ook deelneem of na die lekker resepte gaan kyk, hier.
You can also take part in this competition or have a look at all the delicious recipes, here.
Bak glimlaggies
Baking smiles